On 1st of December 1918, Romania succeeded in doing something that wanted to do for more than 2000 years. 6 months after the "Armistice Day", Romania was signing it's Great Union. A dream started by the dacians, continued by Mihai Viteazul, was finally sealed with the words spoken by Vasile Goldis: „Adunarea naţională a tuturor românilor din Transilvania, Banat şi Ţara Ungurească, adunaţi prin reprezentanţii lor îndreptăţiţi la Alba Iulia în ziua de 18 noiembrie / 1 decembrie 1918, decretează unirea acelor români şi a tuturor teritoriilor locuite de dânşii cu România. Adunarea proclamă îndeosebi dreptul inalienabil al naţiunii române la întreg Banatul, cuprins între Mureş, Tisa şi Dunăre.”
100000 people listened to these words and cried with happiness because brothers long gone were finally reunited.
100000 people listened to these words and cried with happiness because brothers long gone were finally reunited.

Now, 91 years later, many of our countries teens don't even know what happened on that date. It's like they never heard of such an accomplishment and they probably don't care. The same thing happens regarding an event that happened "only" 20 years ago, and re-gave the Romanian people their rights and freedom.
This years parade had a new element, a group of soldiers that entertained us with their mastery in weapon handling and dexterity. But besides this, the event was rather boring with a fade parade of regiments and weaponry. Even so I was impressed with "Mihai Viteazul" Guard Regiment ... the soldiers walked proudly and honor knowing that they are most known regiment in our army.