Thursday, April 15, 2010

Visions of life?

Life … what is life ? I can ask myself 1000 times and come to a different answer almost every time. I see life as an odd manifestation of this universe. Where stillness is the “natural” state of everything, life comes as a abnormality, an out of the picture thing that starts to move, to pulsate, to vibrate, to reverberate into it’s proximal space and across eons. When coldness is how the universe is, life brings warmth and heat and joyfulness to everything that it surrounds and is engulfed by. How can life exist when chaos is what it drives it? Life needs chaos to appear and then it needs precision to exist. Life takes chaos and gives it a purpose, it moulds it into something that will leave marks into this lifeless huge waste of matter.

I see life like a strain, a stress, like a force that actively fights against everything that should make it not exist. It’s easier to give or to take energy instead of creating it, of transforming it into building blocks. It’s improbably difficult that organization should exist in an existence that is there only to destroy. Think about all those cells in your body, working like a clockwork, counting down the seconds they all have till they are no more. Think about how each cell works individually and together with other cells to make this complex abnormality of the universe. Each day your body is bombarded with information from both outside it and from inside it. Each second your body adapts to every little changes that happen everywhere within it’s boundaries or in the environment that it can’t control. Life is permanently in motion and ever-changing in such a way that not even it can keep up with itself.


But even though life is a wonder in this universe, we (humans) still pass through it without even looking at it. We take it for granted and then we ask ourselves what happened with it, when our clocks are about to get still. As humans we had to create society in order to survive and well nowadays a lot of people want to get away from it because it doesn't run the way it should be. When i first heard about the endosymbiosis theory i thought "we pay for protection with our freedom". Life in all it's complexity is in fact really fragile in individuals.
Take for example Mile Carpenisan. Most of your probably don't know about him as i don't know about the rest of 7 Milliard people that this planet holds. He was a war-time journalist who worked everywhere there was a crisis, everywhere someone was in trouble and the world needed to know about them. He went in all major war theaters of the last decades and came back without a scratch. Then a disease sent him on his final road. Before he had to go to the hospital, he held a charity event for a cancer patient. He sold the helmet he used in all those wars he had been and that saved his life countless times. Over the time, while he was on the hospital bed the person who bought that helmet came to him and returned Mile the helmet to protect him once again. Unfortunately this didn't happen and Mile closed his eyes one last time.
A few days ago the plane that carried on board the president of Poland crushed and 96 people died. A fatal trip sent a whole country into grief and sorrow.
And on 13th of April an earthquake in China killed more than 600 people.

Life is so fragile in individuals but very very strong as a whole. It almost went extinct at least 5 times during our Earth's life and life always managed to survive, to prosper and flourish again like nothing happened.

till next time: Live well and prosper and enjoy everything you have, even if it's close to nothing.