Friday, June 25, 2010


And I am back. I know that it has been some time since my last monthly or so post, but that was because of my dissertation. And now it is gone, i have passed the final exam with "brio" and i have now some time to write some more new stupid things. I hope that my only 2 readers will be glad to read this (one of them being myself :P).

Today i will talk a little about religion and about how i see some things regarding the Bible.
First of all, i wouldn't take the Bible "ad literam", but more as a set of guiding rules. As in "it's better to do that" and "it's better not to do that". But to say that the bible is anything else than a collection of stories is wrong in my opinion.
Let's start with how Adam and Eva (Eve) began to populate this Earth. First they had Cain and Abel. After that they lost both (one died, one was exiled). Then they had Set (Seth. Set had Enos, Enos had Cainan, Cainan had Mahalaleel, Mahalaleel had Iared (or Jared in English), Iared had Enoh (Enoch), Enoh had Metusala (Methuselah), Metusala had Lameh (Lamech), Lameh had Noe (Noah) and Noe had Sem, Ham and Iafet (Shem, Ham, and Japheth).
This is where the first problem appears. How did Set had his son when the only people on the Earth at that time should have been only Adam, Eva, Set and Cain? The only conclusion a lot of people had is that there was an act of incest between Eve and Set.
The second problem is regarding Cain. After he was banished from the land, God placed a mark on him so that no one will ever kill him. But how could that be possible when the only people on the Earth should have been Adam, Eva, Set and Cain?

Well i think that the reason is very simple. Adam and Eve, weren't the first people on the Earth, but they were the first Christians on the Earth. I believe that at that time, the land was filled with tribes of humans, but from all of them only one was Christian, and because of that, from the point of view of the religion they were the first people on the Earth.
If we think about this as true, then we can imagine how Set had a lot of sons and daughters without breaking some modern moral rules. He could have chosen a wife from a foreign tribe (hence why her name is not written - for not being a Christian), and reproduced.
This would let us know from who was Cain afraid after his banishment.

To be continued...