I have first seen the light of this world not long before Chernobyl gave his first toxic breath, but far enough so that it's effects won't reached me till a few months later, and i really hope that i will give my last breath before the light of a candle and not before the light of an Atomic Spark. I will never know if that big event that happened shortly after i was born has changed anything in my life but i know that many many people have been influenced by it more or less. I had some medical problems around that time and doctors blamed the contaminated vegetables but nothing was certain.
What do you think about upon hearing the word "light"? About God? That's too abstract for now. When that word pops in my mind, i think about everything i have seen during my life: all my pens and pencils, all the people i've seen and met, all the cars/planes/bikes/helicopters i've fo
llowed with my eyes, about all the animals and plants i've watched, about all the movies and clips that filled my life with joy or sorrow. Light is more than the manifestation of some electromagnetic energy. Light is the giver of life in our little corner of the universe. Who knows how life would have evolved on this piece of rock without light. We can see a lot of strange creatures in deep caves and oceans, stranger than everything that lives closer to or into the light. I wonder if the human being would have ever evolved.
But as everything in this world, light can be used in 2 ways ... to create or to destroy. Too much of anything is a bad thing for a living being :) , and so exposure to too much light will lead to skin cancers and blindness and eventually death. And a concentrated beam of light can do even more than that. It can destroy a lot harder materials than skin, like steel.
What do you think about upon hearing the word "light"? About God? That's too abstract for now. When that word pops in my mind, i think about everything i have seen during my life: all my pens and pencils, all the people i've seen and met, all the cars/planes/bikes/helicopters i've fo

But as everything in this world, light can be used in 2 ways ... to create or to destroy. Too much of anything is a bad thing for a living being :) , and so exposure to too much light will lead to skin cancers and blindness and eventually death. And a concentrated beam of light can do even more than that. It can destroy a lot harder materials than skin, like steel.

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